Bachelor’s in Journalism Programs Guide

What is journalism?

Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on current or past events. The word journalism applies to the occupation, as well as citizen journalists who gather and publish information. Journalistic media include print, television, radio, Internet, and, in the past, newsreels.

The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments.

Joseph Pulitzer

Joseph Pulitzer, the “Father of Journalism” Hungarian-born journalist and newspaper publisher, Joseph Pulitzer, was born Joseph Pulitzer in 1847.

Undergraduate Programs

A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as journalism, communications or English, is the minimum degree required to become a journalist. … Students may also choose to double major in journalism and another subject, such as economics or international affairs.

You can apply for journalism courses after you have passed class 12 with a minimum of 50% marks from any stream (Science, Commerce or Arts). Some colleges require you to possess excellent communication skills, English speaking skills and writing skills. … Some colleges also take personal interviews to shortlist students.

Bachelor in Journalism

Coursework in a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism degree program will help students develop skills in communication, research, computer and technology, editing and writing. Students will come to understand the ethics and laws associated with journalism, as well as understanding their own First Amendment rights.

In the United States, some schools that do not award the B.J. degree instead confer a Bachelor of Arts, Journalism (B.A.J.), Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication (B.A.J.M.C.) or Bachelor of Science, Journalism (BSJ) that is often part of or in conjunction with a course of study in mass communication.

Career Scope

Today a journalism as a career stands not only for a prestigious profession but also for a challenging career optionJournalists play a key role in the growth of any nation. The core purpose of journalism is to inform, educate and enlighten the masses on various issues revolving them.

Here are some types of journalism that you might experience every day: Investigative journalism.

  • Investigative journalism.
  • Watch dog journalism.
  • Online journalism.
  • Broadcast journalism.
  • Opinion journalism.
  • Sports journalism.
  • Trade journalism.

Some of the papers taught in a BA Journalism course are:

At bachelor’s level, journalism degrees usually last for three or four years depending on the country, while a master’s degree lasts for one or two years. Subject list is mentioned below.

  • Fundamentals of Journalism.
  • History of Journalism.
  • Language.
  • Media Laws and Indian Constitution.
  • Reporting and Editing Techniques.
  • Media Management.
  • Developmental Psychology.

you can join following courses after 12th if you want to become a journalist!

  1. B.A. with Journalism – 3 yrs.
  2. Bachelor in Journalism (B.J) – 3 yrs.
  3. Bachelor in Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC) – 3 yrs.
  4. B.A. with Mass Media – 3 yrs.
  5. B.A. in script writing – 3 yrs.
  6. BA in Convergent Journalism.

Here are the best colleges with a Journalism Major

  • Harvard University.
  • Columbia University.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Yale University.
  • Stanford University.
  • University of Chicago.
  • University of Pennsylvania.
  • Northwestern University.

Online Sponsored Programs

Ashford University’s BA in Journalism and Mass Communication degree program has aim to enhance the research, writing, and editing skills required to produce content for a variety of media platforms.

The BA in Journalism Studies degree program at UMass Amherst UWW (University Without Walls) is organized to enhance writing, editing, and reporting skills for those new to the field and seasoned journalists. 

The Department of Journalism and Creative Media at the University of Alabama  is designed for a BA in News Media that helps the students gain expertise in writing, editing, design, visual communication, broadcasting, multimedia production, videography, history, law and ethics. 

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