Best Financial Management Certificate Program

Speaking and understanding the language of finance are essential skills for leaders and managers throughout an organization; smart business decisions rest on this fundamental knowledge. Without a clear understanding of financial analysis and management, you lack credibility with finance managers and business leaders.

This financial management certificate program consists of courses that demystify financial terminology and concepts, giving you the tools you need to communicate fluently with finance managers and articulate business investment and project proposals to decision makers.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there are currently 495,180 individuals employed as financial managers in America, and their average annual salary is $113,730. Personal financial advisers are projected to grow by 41% by 2016.

Curriculum Requirements of Best Financial Management Certificate program

The curriculum consists of 4 required courses and 8 semester units of electives (3–5 courses) for a total of 15 semester units (225 hours of instruction). Candidates must pay a nonrefundable certificate registration fee.

All courses must be taken for a letter grade. To receive the certificate, you must maintain an overall minimum 2.5 grade point average (GPA), with a grade of C or better in each course. A Certificate with Distinction will be awarded to those who complete the certificate with a GPA of 3.7 or higher. All coursework must be completed within five years of registering for the ceiled more powerful and more accurate forecasting models to better analyze financial data, predict revenues and costs, assess risks—and justify critical business decisions.

Best Financial Management Certificate program

AMA’s Course on Financial Analysis
Master financial analysis and keeps your profit outlook right on the money.

Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
Acquire essential finance skills in 3 Days

Accounting Auditing and Controls
AMA’s Comprehensive Budgeting Workshop
Learn to create accurate operating budgets to help your company achieve business goals.
Fixed Asset Management
Recognize and successfully perform key duties of a fixed asset manager
Fundamentals of Cost Accounting
Know where every dollar goes learn how to implement an effective cost accounting system
How to Speak Accounting
Where are they getting those numbers? If you’ve ever asked that question, you need Accounting 101!
The Controller’s Job in Today’s Environment
Get skills to effectively meet the increasing demands of the controller’s role
Analysis and Planning
AMA’s Advanced Financial Forecasting and Modeling Workshop
Build more powerful and more accurate forecasting models to better analyze financial data, predict revenues and costs, assess risks and justify critical business decisions.
AMA’s Course on Mergers and Acquisitions
You’ll cover all the crucial elements that can make or break a merger or acquisition…“preview” the types of problems you’re likely to encounter…and learn how to avoid the common pitfalls in mergers and acquisitions.
Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis Certification Exam Prep
All you need to prepare for the FP&A certification exam.
Financial and Valuation Modeling for the Oil and Gas Industry
Build financial planning & analysis models for the oil and gas industry

Financial Forecasting
Strengthen your forecasting skills to analyze financial data and develop robust forecasts.

Financial Statement and Valuation Modeling
Develop forecast and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) models and make sounder business decisions.

Planning and Forecasting Organizational Expenses
develop more accurate forecasts by minimizing the effects of unexpected events.
Most students take one-and-a-half to two years to complete the certificate.

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