Entomologist: Education and Career Roadmap


The scientific study of insects Supplement Entomology is a branch of biology dealing with the study of insects. It includes morphology, physiology, behavior, genetics, biomechanics, taxonomy, ecology, etc. of insects.

Father of Entomologist

William Kirby is widely considered as the father of entomology. In collaboration with William Spence, he published a definitive entomological encyclopedia, Introduction to Entomology, regarded as the subject’s foundational text.

Needs for the degree

Entomologists must achieve (at minimum) a Bachelor’s degree in entomology or a related field in the biological sciences. Once they have completed their undergraduate degree and a related internship, most entomologists go on to pursue graduate level studies at the M.S. or Ph. D. level.

A medical and veterinary entomologist is someone who studies insects (and arachnids) that can potentially harm or transmit diseases to humans and animals. This includes both domestic and wild animals. … In the U.S., one can actually get a degree in medical Entomology!

Scope of Entomologist

This is probably the position you were initially thinking of when you latched onto this major. It’s a good one if you’re all about the bugs, and at this point, we sincerely hope you are. You might be doing pure research, pondering the imponderables, or you could be into applied sciences.

Work of Entomologists

Entomologists study insects’ habitats and how insects evolve. They also develop ways to control harmful insects. They research and control insect-borne diseases, and discover and study new species of insects.

Following are the branches of entomology;

  • Insect Ecology.
  • Insect Morphology.
  • Insect Pathology.
  • Insect Physiology.
  • Insect Taxonomy.
  • Insect Toxicology.
  • Industrial Entomology.
  • Medical and Veterinary Entomology.

Entomology Salaries

A survey by the North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research found that entomologists earned an average of $47,740 a year as of 2012 — almost $15,000 less than the average salary for zoology as a whole. Starting wages are much lower, averaging just $29,260 a year.

Skills Needed

skill that I believe that forensic entomologist should have is lots of knowledge with insects. They should be able to know which is which by just a glare at them. They also have to know how to properly gather the insects and know what to do with them to get proper results.

Some of those that can be used to determine the post mortem interval are:

  • Alger mortis – body cooling;
  • Livor mortis – settling of blood in the lowest-placed parts of the body;
  • Rigor mortis – stiffening of limbs;
  • Forensic entomology – insect (especially blowfly) activity on the corpse;

Career possibilities for graduates with a B.S. degree in Entomology include:

  • Agricultural, biological or genetic research
  • Forensic entomology
  • Public health
  • Consulting (agricultural, environmental, public health, urban, food processing)
  • State and federal government agencies
  • Conservation and environmental biology
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Natural resources management
  • Veterinary, medical, or graduate school
  • Production agriculture
  • Pest control
  • Seed, fertilizer, and chemical research companies
  • Apiculture
  • Outreach education

Job duties

Duties vary from job to job, but the following list includes typical job duties.

  • Gather and study data on thousands of new and existing insect species.
  • Collect specimens and manage specimen banks.
  • Coordinate insect control programs to protect crops, forests, food supplies, and human health.
  • Conduct research and literature reviews to study insect biology, behavior, and management.
  • Work with other scientists on related projects, for example developing insect resistance in crops or developing insect control measures.
  • Evaluate the results of control measures and prepare reports.
  • Develop models to map and predict insect outbreaks.

Related Careers

  • Agriculture specialist
  • Aerologist
  • Agronomist
  • Aqua culturist
  • Arborist
  • Botanist
  • Conservation biologist
  • Ecologist
  • Environmental scientist
  • Fisheries specialist
  • Forester
  • Horticulturist
  • Microbiologist
  • Ornithologist
  • Soil conservationist
  • Soil scientist
  • Wetland biologist
  • Wildlife biologist
  • Zoologist

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