Beauty therapists additionally referred to as cosmetologists, will earn a certificate or degree in cosmetology through 2-year community schools and line of work colleges. Coaching takes place in lecture rooms similarly as in actual salon environments, and students will find out how to vogue hair, perform manicures and pedicures. Several programs embody active experiences and internships, permitting students to develop active experience. These programs will prepare students for expert licensure that is remitted in nearly each state. Candidates should pass a state examination before a license is granted.
Beauty Therapy Degree Program
Vocational colleges and community schools provide cosmetology certificate programs that embody each sensible and theoretical study for college kids fascinated by beauty medical aid. In these programs, students additionally learn personal, business and selling skills which will improve their possibilities of success within the field. Students ought to discuss with their states licensing and accrediting agencies to confirm that any program chosen is commissioned. A high school certificate or GED is all that is needed to enroll in most cosmetology certificate programs. This program includes each general education categories similarly as specialized coaching in cosmetology. Generally, a high school certificate or GED is needed for admission into AAS in Cosmetology program.
Coursework for Beauty Therapy Degree Program
Students learning beauty medical aid in an exceedingly cosmetology certificate program will expect to review treatments of face, perfect body massage and makeover application. Course topics in an exceedingly certificate program include:
- Deep cleansing and mask treatments
- Eyebrow and eyelash tints
- Facial massage
- Classic massage techniques
- Aromatherapy
- Depilation
- Make-up for day or night
- Manicure and pedicures Sterilization and sanitation
- Shampooing, removal scalp therapy
- Cutting and hairstyling
- Hair coloring
- Nail services
- Skin treatments and facials
- Advanced salon labs
Bright Career in Beauty Therapy
Graduates of a certificate program in cosmetology are ready for a spread of beauty medical aid careers. Common employers could include:
- Spas
- Salons
- Resorts
- Hotels
Continuing Education Data
Students who complete a beauty medical aid certificate could prefer to continue their education in program in cosmetology. Reckoning on the program, some or all of the credits earned within the certificate program could also be transferable. Different graduates of a certificate program could prefer to in real time enter the hands once earning their skilled license that typically needs passing a state-issued examination. Most states need manicurists, pedicurists, skin care specialists and different beauty therapy skilled to be accredited so as to confirm quality of treatment and professional safety and hygiene. Usually these licenses need a mix of active work expertise and victorious completion of a written and sensible examination.
Employment Outlook and wage Data
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of cosmetologists, barbers and hairdressers was expected to extend by 14 July from 2010 to 2020 ( As of could 2012, the BLS rumored that these professionals earned median annual wages of $22,700.