Have you achieved a level of competency whereby you feel sure of your capacity OR ability with your educational work and background?
Why you have been passed over promotions and other advantages which college graduates in your office has?
We believe that knowledge earned through former work experiences, corporate trainings, military service and other non-traditional learning activities. These all are the valuable sources to gain knowledge but in other hand traditional classrooms setting and thesis works which you can get written by someone else or from any other academic agency cannot increase your competency. But unfortunately it is the actual requirement of corporate sectors.
Now be honest and ask yourself that are you not competent enough to have promotions and other advantages that graduates or master’s degree holders have. If your answer is “YES “then you can earn your career growth with legitimate life experience degree.
Sheffield State University provide all the candidates an opportunity to have life experience degrees on the basis of their at least 2 years previous work experience or with their current work experience on the desired faculty. There are 300+ Majors on which Sheffield State University providing life experience degree. You just have to select your faculty from the list and apply for it.
Accounting | Critical Care | Human Resource Management | Nursing Administration |
Acupuncture | Culinary Arts | Human Services | Nutrition |
Administration of Justice | Cultural Foundations | Humanities | Nutrition Education |
Adolescent Behavior | Customer Relations | Hypnotherapy | Nutrition Science |
Advertising | Deaf Education | Industrial Psychology | Office Systems |
Aeronautical Engineering | Decision Sciences | Industrial Design | Technology Operations |
Aerospace Engineering | Dental Science | Industrial Engineering | Management Optometry |
Aerospace Management | Dignitary Protection | Industrial Maintenance | Organizational Behavior |
Agricultural Engineering | Divinity | Industrial Technology | Organizational Psychology |
Airport Management | Drafting | Information Systems | Organizational Science |
American Studies | Driving | Information Technology | Oriental Medicine |
Anatomy | Early Childhood | Instructional Technology | Osteopathy |
Animal Behavior | Education | Internet Communication | Paralegal |
Anthropology | E-Business | International Business | Paralegal Studies |
Applied Chemistry | Economics | International Diplomacy | Parapsychology |
Alternative Medicine | Educational Leadership | International Finance | Pastoral Care |
Physics | Educational Psychology | International Management | Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
Applied Linguistics | Early Childhood Education | International Relations | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Applied Science | Electrical Construction | International Studies | Pharmacology |
Arabic Studies | Electrical Engineering | Investment Management | Philosophy |
Archaeology | Electronic Engineering | Irrigation Engineering | Photography |
Architectural Engineering | Electronic Technology | Islamic Studies | Physical Education |
Architecture | Elementary Education | Japanese | Physical therapy |
Astrology | Endodontics | Journalism | Physics |
Astronomy | Energy Psychology | Journalism and Media | Physiology |
Automotive Bodywork | Engineering | Justice Systems | Physiotherapy |
Automotive Mechanics | Engineering Management | Knowledge Management | Plant Pathology |
Aviation | Engineering Psychology | Law | Plant/Soil Science |
Administration | Engineering Technology | Legal Studies | Plumbing |
Aviation Management | English | Liberal Arts | Political Science |
Aviation Science | English Literature | Liberal Studies | Pre-Nursing |
Aviation Technology | Entomology | Library Science | Pre-Pharmacy |
Banking | Environmental Engineering | Linguistics | Project Management |
Beauty Therapy | Environmental Management | Literature | Property Development |
Behavioral Science | Environmental Policy | Logistics Management | Psychiatry |
Biblical Counseling | Environmental Science | Management | Psychoanalysis |
Biblical Studies | Exercise Education | Management Information System | Psychology |
Biology | Exercise Physiology | Manufacturing | Psychology of Computing |
Biomedical Engineering | Exercise Science | Management Marine | Public Administration |
Biomedical Science | Facilities Management | Biology | Public Affairs |
Biophysics | Finance | Marine Engineering | Public Health |
Botany | Fine Arts | Marine Fabrication | Public Relations |
Business Administration & Supervision | Fire Protection | Maritime Studies | Public Safety Counseling |
Business Administration | Fire Science | Marketing | Quality Management |
Business Law | Food | Marketing Communications | Radiology Technology |
Business Management | Food Science | Marketing Management | Real Estate |
Chemical Engineering | Forensic science | Marketing Research | Register Nurse |
Chemistry | Forestry | Mass Communications | Religious Studies |
Child Development | French | Mathematics | Respiratory Therapy |
Child Nutrition | General Business | Mechanical Engineering | Roofing |
Chinese Medicine | General Engineering | Media Communications | Sacred Music |
Chirographic Therapy | General Sciences | Media Studies | Shipping |
Civil Engineering | General Studies | Medical | Social Studies |
Clinical | Geology | Medical Research | Social Welfare |
Counseling | Geophysics | Medical Science | Social Work |
Clinical Psychiatry | Graphic design | Medical Technology | Sociology |
Clinical Psychology | Hairdressing Science | Medicine | Sociology of Development |
Commerce | Health | Metaphysics | Software Engineering |
Commerce Philosophy | Healthcare Administration | Metrology | Sound Engineering |
Commercial Science | Health Care Management | Microbiology | Southeast Asian Studies |
Communications | Health Care Systems | Military history | Spanish Special Education |
Community | Health Education | Military Science | Spiritual Healing Arts |
Counseling | Health Sciences | Molecular Biology | Sports Management |
Comparative Religion | Health Sciences | Music | Sports Nutrition |
Computer Engineering | Education History | Music Education | Sports Psychology |
Computer Science | History of Art | Music Therapy | Statistics |
Computer Technology | History of Science | Musical Arts | Strategic Management |
Construction Management | Home Economics | Mythology | System Engineering |
Construction Procurement | Homeopathy | Natural Health | Teaching |
Cosmetic Dermatology | Horticulture | Natural Sciences | Telecommunications |
Counseling Psychology | Hotel Management | Naturopathy | Tennis Management |
Creative Writing | Hospitality | Neuroscience | Theater Studies |
Criminal Justice | Hospitality Management | Nuclear Medicine | Theatre Arts |
Criminal Law | Human Development | Nurse Anesthesia | Theology |
Criminology | Human Ecology | Nursing | Tourism Management |
Veterinary Medicine | Visual Design | Vocational Education | Warehouse Management |
Waterline Maintenance | Website Design | Welding Engineering | Supply Chain Management |
Security and Risk Management | Aesthetic Surgery | Legal Technology | General Psychology |
Massage Therapy | Cybersecurity | Global Development |
Sheffield State University is the ideal place for you to earn legal degrees to match your all academic needs and aspirations. With accredited life experience degrees, you can make certified levels in 15 days and nights devoid of concerning regarding admissions, scientific studies, and exams.
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